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14 December 2006

Congratulations to Muhammad Yunus and Orhan Pamuk!

Congratulations to two really great nobel prize winners of the year 2006: Muhammad Yunus and Orthan Pamuk who both got the prize on 14th December.

The economist Yunus is the founder of the Grameen bank in Bangladesh which gives micro credits to the poor people in the villages that allow them to take life into their own hands. On GrameenĀ“s homepage ( is said about their work:

Microfinance helps people to escape poverty by giving them collateral-free loans and other financial services to support income-generating businesses. As each loan is repaid, the money is redistributed as loans to others, thereby mulitiplying its impact.

The turkish writer Pamuk has written excellent novels set in the historical and present Turkey. Also he is an important political figure who provoked controversials when he mentioned the crimes done by the Turkish government against the Armenians during the first World War and current political problems such as nationalism, the question of the Kurdish people and islamism.


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