Back on Highway 61

21 July 2006

Neil Young is "living with war"

Neil Young recorded a great new album that was published this May. So to say it is his personal judgement against the American president and his politics, a loud criticism against the war. Young never was the average ideological critic of the government, his statements were always were personal and honestly emotional. That made him also supporting Reagan´s cold war doctrine, later playing "Imagine" for the support of the American victims after 11th September 2001, and now makes him attacking the Bush-administration. His perspective is a genuine American one, you do not here so much about the Iraqi victims or Guantanamo, for example. And his criticism of the president is maybe a bit naive and not wide enough. Will it be enough if you just change the person on the top?
But after all "Living with war" is a great rock-album with guitar-sounds that prove you why Young is still one of the greatests rockers in the free world. Let´s see some of the lyrics now:

Who is Bush? Just a "shadow man runnin´ the government". He led the USA to danger ("the garden is gone") and the people are "living with war".
The first two songs are in my eyes not the best of the album, but the third one ("Restless consumer") opens with some angry guitar chords that falsificate a statement Pete Townshend had given decades ago: that Rock´n´Roll can be played only by angry and frustrated young people. Neil Young shows how a 61-year old can express all his dissatisfaction about what is going wrong in the world just by playing his guitar. And his dissatisfation is not only directed against the war but also against a superficial consumer culture:

"Don't need no TV ad
Tellin' me how sick I am
Don't want to know how many people are like me
Don't need no dizziness
Don't need no nausea
Don't need no side effects like diarrhea or sexual death
Don't need no more lies
Don't need no more lies
Don't need no more lies
Don't need no more lies

The restless consumer lies
Asleep in her hotel
With such an appetite
For anything that sells"

In the fourth song, Young sings about the present political situation again:

"Back in the days of shock and awe
We came to liberate them all
History was the cruel judge of overconfidence
Back in the days of shock and awe"

Young then takes the position of the average American families that give their sons (and daughters) to the war-machine and concludes in the album´s climax, a hymnal postulation:

"Let's impeach the President for lying
And misleading our country into war
Abusing all the power that we gave him
And shipping all our money out the door

Who's the man who hired all the criminals
The White House shadows who hide behind closed doors
They bend the facts to fit with their new stories
Of why we have to send our men to war

Let's impeach the President for spying
On citizens inside their own homes [...]"

and "for hijacking
Our religion and using it to get elected".

The centre of this song is a passage in which contradictional statements of Bush are cut together (Flip and Flop), for example: "Saddam Hussein got weapons of mass destruction" (Flip) - "Until now we haven´t found any weapons of mass destruction" (Flop).

Young tells us also what should be after this impeachment: He is..
"Lookin’ for a leader
To bring our country home
Reunite the red white and blue
Before it turns to stone
We’re lookin’ for a leader
With the Great Spirit on his side
Someone walks among us
And I hope he hears the call
And maybe it’s a woman
Or a black man after all"

But could just a new Washington or Kennedy solve all the problems? Is not the global economic situation (the dependence on oil for example) more complicated? The album ends with a hundred-voiced choir: "America the beautiful". It is a very patriotic thing and one gets aware of a typical habit in the USA - a quasi-religious attitude towards the nation.


At 24/7/06 00:44, Blogger SV said...

Herr Hofmann, so you saw the Who !! They're great aren't they ? Especially Pete Townshend with his super cool windmill guitar...i wish I'm that cool when I'm so old. Did they play Baba O Reily ?

At 24/7/06 15:52, Blogger Klingsor said...

Thankfully, Daltrey and Townshend did not die before they got old .. Yes, they played Baba O´Reilly, Won´t get fooled again, See me, feel me and many more. I just missed I can see for miles, A quick one and some songs from Quadrophenia maybe. But you can´t always get what you want ..

At 26/7/06 19:56, Blogger SV said...

Baba O Reilly too ? AWESOME ! They were supposed to play that in their LIVE8 set, but because that bitch Mariah Carey overplayed, they had to cut that out. May she burn in hell.

At 27/7/06 17:55, Blogger Klingsor said...

Oh my god, that´s awful! I hope the Who after that played as fantastic as when I saw them!
How do you like Neil Young, Sharad?

At 28/7/06 21:58, Blogger SV said...

Just heard one of his songs...KEep on rocking the free world I think..not too much else. Personally i prefer Herbert Groenemeyer :P

At 1/8/06 18:33, Blogger Klingsor said...

Groenemeyer? You must be joking!
You should listen to Neil Young´s album "Rust never sleeps" from 1979 or to his more country-orientated early recordings with Buffalo Springfield and Crosby, Stills and Nash. And of course to these great rock songs like "Cowgirl in the sand", "Southern man" or "Cortez the killer".

How do you like Syd Barrett and the early Pink Floyd, Sharad?

At 1/8/06 19:11, Blogger SV said...

No, not much of a Floyd Fan..havne't heard enough. I found the Beatles and decided to go no further.

But I'm quite serious about Mr. Groenemeyer. I have quite a fwe of his songs, and my german friends from uni introduced me to his stuff. I love his Bochum album, and even know the meanings to some of his songs...personal favourites , Manner (what a song!), and this somewhat sad song from his newer album , Mensch...the song is called Letzter Tag i think.

At 4/8/06 17:33, Blogger Klingsor said...

I have never been a Grönemeyer-fan, but some of his songs are quite OK. "Männer" was one of the most popular songs in German radio in the 1980s. I think, he started his career as an actor.

At 6/8/06 23:52, Blogger SV said...

Yeah i heard..I've been wanting to watch that movie Das Boot, which a lot of my friends say is one of the best german movies ever.Unfortunately, university had only a dubbed version , and i wanted to watch subtitled...


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