Back on Highway 61

15 August 2006

Kofi Annan on the late passing of UN resolution 1701

"But I would be remiss if I did not tell you how profoundly disappointed I am that the Council did not reach this point much, much earlier. And I am convinced that my disappointment and sense of frustration are shared by hundreds of millions of people around the world. For weeks now, I and many others have been calling repeatedly for an immediate cessation of hostilities, for the sake of the civilian population on both sides who have suffered such terrible, unnecessary pain and loss. All members of this Council must be aware that its inability to act sooner has badly shaken the world’s faith in its authority and integrity."

(Kofi Annan on the fact that it took the United Nations` Security Council nearly one month to pass a resolution on the war in Lebanon, 11 August 2006)


At 16/8/06 04:37, Blogger SV said...

zIncidentally, I was in the UN building in Geneva last week, when i went to visit a friend. Very impressive building, but i wasn't impressed enough to buy their overpriced souveniers...

At 17/8/06 11:41, Blogger Klingsor said...

are you still in Switzerland or did you return to the UK?

At 17/8/06 14:05, Blogger SV said...

Just got back to London two days back. Spent a week there, nice break !


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