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24 March 2006

Ali Farka Touré (1939-2006)

On the 6th March died Ali Farka Touré, the great guitarist and king of the Mali-Blues. With his music he proved that the true roots of John Lee Hooker grew at the Niger:
"Blues are the leaves and branches while the roots and trunk are African."
His country Mali has lost an important cultural ambassador, and the world lost a great musician. May he rest in peace!


At 24/3/06 19:48, Blogger SV said...

Strange, I've never even heard of him ! Interesting to know that there is a world famous guitarist from Mali !

At 28/3/06 16:26, Blogger Klingsor said...

He became famous with his album "Talking Timbuktu" that he recorded together with Ry Cooder in 1995. Seems like Cooder has a talent to push the careers of brilliant colleagues, such as the Buena Vista Social Club-stars.


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