Back on Highway 61

12 October 2005

... you can´t say we never tried

Wow, the first time in its history, Germany has a female chancellor. This is a kind of normalisation in the modern world that wants to break with the patriarchal traditions. Maggie Thatcher has made it in the UK, Indira Gandhi in India. But still the examples for female presidents and prime ministers are rare. Some Asian countries have already elected female heads of the state (beside India there are also Pakistan, Israel, Banghladesh, Sri Lanka, Phillipines..) - but the western countries still need to improve here ..

About Angela Merkel´s coalition nobody here is really excited - it is critized both from the left and the liberalists for making to many compromises - but OK, why not?, let them try..
Merkel (called "Angie"), her party and a big part of the media had surely dreamed of a better result in the elections. Maybe it was not the best idea to play the Rolling Stones´ song "Angie" in her election campaigns. Also the Stones were not amused, regarding their song to be misused in that way.
I like this song and English is not my mother tongue, but was it such a good idea to take it for an election campaign? Maybe the Christian Democrats did not really understand the text:

"Angie, Angie, when will those clouds all disappear?
Angie, Angie, where will it lead us from here?
With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats
You can't say we're satisfied

But Angie, Angie, you can't say we never tried
Angie, you're beautiful, but ain't it time we said good-bye?

Angie, I still love you, remember all those nights we cried?
All the dreams we held so close seemed to all go up in smoke
Let me whisper in your ear:
Angie, Angie, where will it lead us from here?

Oh, Angie, don't you weep, all your kisses still taste sweet
I hate that sadness in your eyes
But Angie, Angie, ain't it time we said good-bye?
With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats
You can't say we're satisfied
But Angie, I still love you, baby
Ev'rywhere I look I see your eyes
There ain't a woman that comes close to you
Come on Baby, dry your eyes
But Angie, Angie, ain't it good to be alive?
Angie, Angie, they can't say we never tried".

(Jagger/Richards; from the album "Goat`s head soup", 1973).


At 12/10/05 13:27, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 13/10/05 15:12, Blogger SV said...

The English press calls her the Iron Frau, and they like to call her Germany's Thatcher, heh heh.

At 13/10/05 19:28, Blogger Siddharth said...

hi christian..i wanted shroeder to remain the chancellor..atleast there was 1st world leader against bush and the war in iraq.i am glad atleast the sdp's are part of d coalition.just like the left in india they can keep a check on d government 2 make sure it does not start dancing 2 usa's tunes...

At 14/10/05 02:22, Blogger SV said...

Well Siddharth, France is against the war too !

At 14/10/05 16:43, Blogger Klingsor said...

The Socialdemocrats have 8 ministers, Merkel´s party only 6. The foreign minister is from the SPD (but I must admit that I never had heard of him before), so foreign politics won´t change so much, as I hope. Even Merkel and her colleagues asured the public that they wouldn´t have prefered joining the war of the US (but one still has to remember that Mrs. Merkel visited Bush immediately after Schröder´s "No").


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